Spanish with French subtitles

With Carlos Otero, Marta Mejias and Antonio Betancourt

This film deals with the reactions of an elderly man and a young girl at the news in 1968 that appear in the press, intercession between the networks that weave political struggle and anguish of love. Formally risky, Nunes’ volume licenses without dialogues during the filming, resulting in haunting vocal asynchronicities in the dubbing, mixed with perfectly synchronized sound as if it was direct, without sound effects, steps, doors, waves, cars only a “click-click’ of a camera, which he did with his own voice.

About the Director
Portuguese by birth, he moved with his family to Spain in 1942. In 1950 started as a film volunteer, becoming assistant director of 29 films in 6 years. In 1957 he directed a very personal film Mañana (1957), followed by No Dispares Contra Mi (1961), La Alternativa (1962), and other minor titles in 1968 until he films Sexperiencias (1968), which reflects its interpretation of the revolutions of that time.