The Shame
(La Vergüenza)
David Planell / Spain / 2009 / 107 min

Malaga International Film Festival
Related Films

Spanish with English subtitles
This feature directorial debut from the strongest emerging talent in Spain, award-winning writer David Planell (Seven Billiard Tables, FNSC 2008), boldly allows us a glimpse into the home of Pepe and Lucia, a modern and attractive couple with a big problem: they cannot handle Manu, their eight-year-old Peruvian adopted child. They soon realize the price they must pay if they want to go ahead with their brazen plan: to send him back. Planell, the director of the multi-award winning shorts (Ponys, Trivial) skillfully makes the jump from screenwriter to director, using this strong premise to tell a caustic, tender and funny tale about doubts, paradoxes and the wounds of an ashamed couple. The film was the top performer at this year’s Malaga Film Festival.