This is the story of Île-à-Vache, a small island in the south of Haiti, with less than 20,000 inhabitants and not even 45 Km/17 miles square, considered by many as one of the last virgin beaches in the Caribbean. An unexploited paradise. This is David and Goliath’s story. A country looking for an economic rebound, a tourist development project and its consequences, but above all, it is the story of those inhabitants who, seeing themselves threatened, separated from the decision-making, unite to take destiny into their own hands.
Tourism is the Caribbean’s main economy and Haiti is seeking to secure its share of the market. However, Haiti is shaped by historical and socio-economic challenges and it faces significant hurdles. The limited resources, competing private interests, and the ongoing social and economic crisis present obstacles to progress.
This documentary is the result of a collaborative effort to gain insight into Haiti’s current situation and amplify the voice of its people.