Spanish with English subtitles

A violent and bitingly humorous confrontation over family wealth erupts between siblings. In a small village near Madrid, Ignacia, the eldest of three grown single siblings, dominates the lives of Paquita and Venancio. When Paquita overhears Ignacia disclose her intent to cash in the family wealth and travel to Paris, a violent and bitingly humorous confrontation ensues. The Spanish taste for grotesque caricature, from the tradition of popular theatre known as sainete, courses through this fabulous oddity: part murder mystery, part passionate indictment of Franco’s society.

About the Director
Fernándo Fernán Gómez was born in Lima (Perú) in 1921 during his parents tour. He participated in Life in Shadows (1947) with his wife. Gradually, he was popularized in films as La mies es mucha (1948) and Balarrasa (1950). With Analía Gadé didHoneymoon (1956), Girls in blue (1957), Ana says yes(1958) and Summer Moon(1958) . With Víctor Erice participated in The Spirit of the Beehive (1973) and collaborated with Carlos Saura in Anna and the Wolves(1972), One hundred years old Mom (1979) and The Stilts (1984).He was awarded at the Berlin Film Festival forThe hermit (1976). He has also played a notable role as director: Revenge of Don Mendo, The strange trip(1964). However, his most praised film is Journey to nowhere (1987)