About Pragda


80 Grados
Mar 07 2014

Siete cortometrajes a 1/2 grados de separación

La tercera miembro del jurado es la distribuidora Marta Sánchez, quien tras colaborar con Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment en Madrid, se trasladó a la ciudad de Nueva York donde trabajó para entidades como el Museum of Modern Art of New York o Anthology Film Archives. Como curadora comenzó en 2000 y sus programas han llegado a instituciones tan prestigiosas como la Cinemateque Francesa (París) o la Film Society del Lincoln Center (Nueva York). En 2005 fundó Pragda, una inciativa cultural independiente cuya misión es promocionar el cine español e hispanoamericano con la ayuda de la tecnología y canales alternativos.

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Feb 26 2014

Today In Toronto: Festival Of New Spanish Cinema

Today in Toronto the big screen lights up for the Festival Of New Spanish Cinema, which begins this evening and runs on Wednesdays at The Royal on College until March 26th, showing a total of five films.

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Feb 20 2014

This Week in Film: The Wind Rises, Public Hearing, Destiny, Festival of New Spanish Cinema

The Festival of New Spanish Cinema (FoNSC) is now six years old, but this is the traveling show’s first stop in Toronto. The self-described leading showcase in North America for “the best in contemporary Spanish film” brings Toronto five premieres, including “the latest, most exciting films and allowing you to discover and share your love of Spanish cinema.” More of a month-long series than a festival, FoNSC will screen a film every Wednesday evening at The Royal until the end of March, beginning with A Gun in Each Hand (Wednesday, February 26 at 7PM), a comedy about eight men who are all experiencing “a masculine identity crisis.”

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Feb 20 2014

Young and old meet at the Festival of New Spanish Cinema

FATHER AND SON filmmakers underline the generational concerns of the Festival of New Spanish Cinema at the Vancity Theatre, starting on Friday (February 21). Veteran director Fernando Trueba’s The Artist and the Model (El Artista y la Modelo) opens the week of movies with the tale of a sculptor nearing the end of his life in occupied France. Not insignificantly, the festival’s programmers—including the Spanish embassy in Ottawa—have also scheduled a feature by Trueba’s son, Jonás. If The Artist and the Model is stately and refined, the younger Trueba’sThe Wishful Thinkers (Los Ilusos)—with its focus on youth and creativity—is a wild and woolier piece of work, complete with improvised dialogue and the incursion into the frame of boom mikes and clapperboards.

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La Crosse Tribune
Feb 08 2014

Spanish film series next week at UW-La Crosse

A weeklong film series at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse will feature five films in Spanish and Portuguese, all subtitled in English. The festival runs next week from Monday through Friday. All films will be shown at 5:30 p.m. in Room 1400 Centennial Hall, a 250-seat auditorium, and they are free and open to the public. All the films have English subtitles. Most will be followed by faculty-led discussion.

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Beloit Daily News
Jan 23 2014

Beloit College hosts Spanish film festival

Making foreign language films available for viewing connects those of us in the Stateline Area to other cultures around the globe. That is why Beloit College’s department of modern languages and literature will soon host a Spanish language film festival.

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The Houston Chronicle
Jan 17 2014

Discovering new films from Spain and France

This weekend Rice Cinema presents its annual Festival of Spanish Cinema, while My French Film Festival debuts online.

Rice University Media Center, home of Rice Cinema, is the destination this weekend for a captivating selection of new films from Spain. Curated by Marta Sanchez, a leading specialist in Spanish film, this popular annual showcase features 6 lively and diverse features in the 2014 edition. Saturday’s screening, a highly recommended comedy called A Gun in Each Hand, is preceded by a wine reception. General admission is $6 for each film. It’s a selection you won’t see anywhere else in town on the big screen, a must for anyone passionate about contemporary world cinema.

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El Confidencial
Nov 21 2013

La cultura en España pide a los gobiernos el fin de los monopolios

A pesar de tratar un tema completamente diferente, el dominio de las grandes empresas en la industria cultural también salió a relucir en la ponencia dedicada a las nuevas ventanas del cine en la actualidad. Marta Sánchez, fundadora de Pragda, no dudó en culpar a estos gigantes industriales de la desaparición de las salas de barrio y de crear esa cultura de centro comercial que ha provocado que surjan nuevas formas de poder disfrutar una película que una major se niega a distribuir.

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Nov 21 2013

Internet, otra forma de ver cine

El mundo del cine se enfrenta, como el resto de los sectores de la cultura, a los de internet que ha transformado la forma de hacer, distribuir y ver películas pero que, sobre todo, ha dado una “oportunidad maravillosa” para acceder a cintas a las que no se habría podido llegar en otra época.

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El Confidencial
Oct 28 2013

El 15M español ocupa Nueva York para mostrar la crisis cañí

“No sabía que vuestra crisis había sido tan parecida a la nuestra”, comenta un estadounidense que asiste al ciclo de documentales Spain in Crisis. The Spanish Crash and the Indignados Movement, sobre la crisis española y los movimientos políticos surgidos a su sombra, que se celebra estos días en Nueva York. El ciclo, organizado por Pragda (“Llevando las películas españolas al mundo”), la Universidad de Nueva York y el Instituto Rey Juan Carlos I, muestra que el azote económico en ambos países tiene, en efecto, muchos elementos comunes: un gobierno que regula (o desregula) un sector, una burbuja y un sistema financiero que incentiva que los bancos se metan en negocios que les eran ajenos.

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