Festival of New Spanish Cinema
Festival Of New Spanish Cinema Ottawa 2015Oct 07–Oct 28
We are delighted to introduce the 9th FESTIVAL OF NEW SPANISH CINEMA 2015, which will be held every Wednesday in October in Ottawa. We would like to invite each of you to experience the four outstanding contemporary Spanish-language films on the fantastic program. Our opening night feature is the must-see thriller The Kid (Daniel Monzón), which received 16 Goya© Academy Award nominations this year. We are also proud to present Magical Girl (Carlos Vermut), this year’s cinematic surprise and a growing cult movie, as well as Marseille (Belén Macías) and Traces of Sandalwood (María Ripoll), films by two of our most interesting female filmmakers working today.
The program for the 2015 festival will set the screen en llamas! This combination of films makes for a truly wonderful Spanish experience that we invite you all to take part in.
Bytowne Cinemas
325 Rideau Street Ottawa
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General Admission $12, Members $8
THE KID by Daniel Monzon
Wednesday, October 7, 6:40 pm
Wednesday, October 14, 6:55 pm
MAGICAL GIRL by Carlos Vermut
Wednesday, October 21, 6:40 pm
MARSELLA by Belén Macías
Wednesday, October 28, 6:50 pm
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